You will have up to 5 days to view the film in HD.
- Click the PLAY button above
- Pay $3.00 rental price using PayPal or Amazon Payments
- Click HD and select Watch in HD
- Click FULL to watch in full screen
Not sure if you would enjoy the film? Then click PLAY and select "Watch a Free Preview Now!" to see the trailer.
Rental price allows you unlimited streaming access to Red Dirt Rising for 5 days. Secure payment methods: PayPal or Amazon Payments. You do not require a PayPal account to use the PayPal option.This video-on-demand service is powered by Dynamo, an easy and secure way to access premium film and video content on the web. To watch this video, simply follow the instructions in the payment screen to make a quick and secure payment using PayPal or Amazon. The video will be available to watch immediatly after making payment, or at anytime during the next 5 days using the access code that will be emailed to you.